Alright, my first question! I%26#039;m interested in a girl and really want to pursue her for a relationship. But, I have a lot of school loans and all my money goes towards paying debt and rent. I have a good job with lots of potential for advancement but for right now I could not afford to talk her out to a lot of dinners or outings. What should I do. Should I what until I have more money to spend on her? or be honest to her to see if that%26#039;s even a problem with her?
Starting a relationship with no money?
Money shouldn%26#039;t matter in a new relationship. It shouldn%26#039;t be about what you buy but about who you are.
Starting a relationship with no money?
bad idea you need 3 month of money first.
Starting a relationship with no money?
The latter. If she is uninterested in you without money, then she is not interested in you...she is interested in money.
Starting a relationship with no money?
I would just be honest. I would take her out to a nice inexpensive cafe for a first date and then bring the subject up. Dating doesn%26#039;t have to be too terribly expensive if you try and it%26#039;s fun to do things yourself sometimes. I%26#039;m going into a MARRIAGE with no money so I know how you feel :)
Starting a relationship with no money?
you should not let money be the rason for you not wanting to start a just want to start a relationship and you do not want to marry her!!! just start a relationship and I am quiet sure she knows you have bills etc...... good luck!
Starting a relationship with no money?
Pay off debt first.
Starting a relationship with no money?
Tell her the deal and you%26#039;ll feel better ...
Starting a relationship with no money?
Money aint everything, if she likes you without it she will feel the same when you got it. The important thing is that you have your priorities straight and by the sounds of if you do.
Starting a relationship with no money?
Tell her the truth about how strapped you are with money. If she has a problem with it, dump her. Also, many good dates cost no money, or very little money at all. You just need to be creative. Watch a sunset, invite her over and cook her favorite food. You know, it should be ok if she%26#039;s not shallow.
Starting a relationship with no money?
You should be honest with her, tell her whats going on and your situation. If she really wants to be with you, she wouldn%26#039;t judge you on that and would understand. There are plenty of things that don%26#039;t cost a lot or dont cost at all, that you could do. Things as simple as going to the movies, on a picnic, something simple yet sweet. It shouldn%26#039;t be about the money in the first place.
Starting a relationship with no money?
My first date with the guy I%26#039;m with now (12 years ago) was to the roller skating rink. It costs 3 dollars for family night, so we took his daughter with us.
If your girl is also in school, she%26#039;ll understand about being broke.
Starting a relationship with no money?
You don%26#039;t need lots of money to romance a woman, you just need to be more imaginative. Being open about your financial situation might be bad if it happens too soon, but any woman worth dating will be looking at more than the size of your pocketbook.
Starting a relationship with no money?
Straight up! It%26#039;s really hard to get someone to notice you. When they can%26#039;t notice the moola. But , those are the ones that make it go the distance. It shows that she%26#039;s there, for more than just Dinner, Perks, Gifts, etc; Good Luck
Starting a relationship with no money?
dude, don%26#039;t worry about it. if she really likes you it wont matter if you have money
Starting a relationship with no money?
I just started a relationship with a broke guy and I still like him. He tries, but I know he can%26#039;t afford to do nice things for me. I%26#039;m ok that he can%26#039;t take me out. He makes me dinner at home and we watch movies. And I%26#039;m really happy!
Starting a relationship with no money?
The best thing you can do is communicate with her. Tell her your goals right now are to pay off debt and school loans. You can be very creative with a girl without having to spend a lot of money. If she doesn%26#039;t like you not having money, you find another girl who likes you for you.
Starting a relationship with no money?
Life is too short. Ask her out now. Explain your situation if it was ment to be she will understand. Yes, you will have more money as you get older but if you dont have the right girl to spend it w/ it means nothing. Go ask her out.
Starting a relationship with no money?
just be honest !! you don%26#039;t want to start a relationship with someone and be lying right off the bat.....
good luck with your school, work and the girl...and remember if she likes you it won%26#039;t matter how much money you have
Starting a relationship with no money?
you dont have to go places for oouting, just hang out, if there is a connection between you two, any place you will be, say its a libary or riverside, will the perfect place for you two.
Starting a relationship with no money?
Be honest with her. If she can%26#039;t or won%26#039;t accept that, walk away, trust me you won%26#039;t regret it.
If she is a gold digging vulture and does attach herself to you, she will walk as soon as there is a bump in your fiscal health.
Starting a relationship with no money?
You should be honest with her. You never know, maybe later on will be to late and she%26#039;ll be with another man. If she%26#039;s a understandable person who knows that sometimes studies puts you in though circumstances, you%26#039;ll be ok. If she rejects you because of the financial burden your going through, that should send up red flags. You don%26#039;t want a girl just in it for the dough
Starting a relationship with no money?
You should just have a little money out on the side. Once in a while, like in a special occassion, take her out to somewhere special. It doesn%26#039;t have to be fansy. How special and incredible something is depends on how you make it seem aswell as what she thinks. I fshe thinks its silly try to get her into it.She might like it in the end.
Starting a relationship with no money?
You should be honest with her. She should be happy that you are looking for a relationship with her and if she does not understand then you know she%26#039;s not the one. If she does except then youv%26#039;e got a good thing going there and you will of started of your relationship in a great way.
Starting a relationship with no money?
Use your imagination. There are lots of places and things you can go to for free! I do not feel dumping on her at first is a good idea. If she has alot of needs then maybe you should hold off? She may find someone else. Look in your local paper. Most citys have alot going on. GL
Starting a relationship with no money?
Dude, be up front with her about your money situation. If she doesn%26#039;t like you after that then you know what kind of a person she is NOW instead of down the road. A lot of girls need men with money for whatever reason. It%26#039;s quite pathetic. Your best bet is to be honest with her, and take her to a park and go on a hike or a museum. The best way to get to know someone is being in nature with them.
One of the most romantic things anyone ever did for me was to buy me a plastic ring out of a candy machine. It%26#039;s the simple things in life that are cool like that. Be creative and ask her what she%26#039;d like to do. :)
Good luck.
Starting a relationship with no money?
Dont lie if ur true to the relation with her cause it may hurt her you can go for small hangouts like roadside foodstalls or go for walks on the beech or somethng like that where you can avoid spending money...and tell her the truth as in...assure her that you can make her future secure....and she will be safe and financially sound with you in the future....and make it a point that she is!
Starting a relationship with no money?
In relationships we tend to try to impress the person right off the bat to get them to like us. Its called Peacocking. You show all your beautiful feathers and dance around like an idiot. But thats not how life should be if you dont have the means to do so. What will happen when you dont have any money left to play with. All of a sudden you seem like the guy thats pulled the wool over her eyes and didn%26#039;t let her know the real you.
Let her know what you are all about, how you like her, what your goals are. Get to know her. Then if it doesnt seem like a threat to let her know your financial situation. Let her in. If she cant handle life not always being perfect then forget about it. Life is not all glamour. There is other ways to have fun low budget.
Condoms are not that expensive.
Starting a relationship with no money?
Honestly mate it would be a good way to find out if she really likes you, money isnt everything so ask her out and explain your situation. If she isnt interested then i would say that it speaks volumes. Dont wait until you sort your cash flow problem out, it might be too late by then and you may have missed out. Not all girls are interested in the size of a mans wallet. Many women, like myself, seek more simple qualities. Since when was money more important than love?! Ask her out and good luck x
Starting a relationship with no money?
I think you should be honest with her..If she cares about you for you..She will understand..
There are lots of things you can do that take very little to no money..Taking walks together..At home movie nights..I love nothing more than to sit on the couch with my hubby, a big ole%26#039; bowl of popcorn, watching a movie together..
Picnicing in the summer time..If you have a state park near you..grilling out there and then walking through the park..
There%26#039;s lots of things you can do..But, that doesn%26#039;t mean you shouldn%26#039;t save your nickles and dimes and take her to a nice dinner at least once a month..
Then after things begin to look up..A night out once a week would be nice..
Good luck....
Starting a relationship with no money?
I think you should pursue her for a relationship with or without money.
There are a lot of ways to make your lady happy without money.
For first 3 months, instead of impressing her with lot of material stuffs, impress her with your heart. Write her a letter everyday, call her every day, know. those things that really show how you think of her.
Trust me, Girls don%26#039;t like it when guys brag and try to buy stuffs in the beginning of relationships. We know exactly what that kind of guys want.
When I first dated my boyfriend, Money was never an issue. We were both just so happy to be with each other. And only thing that required money was when we were hungry, but if we are together, Mcdonald $1 menu tasted like gourmet meal!
What%26#039;s important is your heart.
Starting a relationship with no money?
You don%26#039;t have to wait until you have alot of money... believe it or not, not all girls are all about the money. You could just as easily invite her over for dinner. Prepare something cheap and quick. Watch an old movie that you both haven%26#039;t seen in years. Play a game and chat for a bit. Maybe walk around your college campus. There are lots of things you can do that are not that costly. I%26#039;m sure she will relieze that you have responsibilies as an adult an understand...
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