Monday, October 26, 2009

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

During that time, he put his college on hold to support his wife who is pursuing a triple major (and works 15 hours a week on campus.) He works full time and pays most of the bills. Loooong story short, she cheated, they%26#039;re getting divorced. She wants him to pay for her school loans or says she%26#039;ll ask for alimony (no kids involved, by the way). What kind of chance does she stand in court? I feel so bad for him!

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

i would check the laws in texas to make sure. She would get nothing. They don%26#039;t have kids so no child support. The marriage is too short. To receive alimony, the marriage has to be ten years or longer.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

Depends on the laws in the state where they reside. However with that being said, does he have proof of her infidelity? That could be helpful in court when/if she tries to seek alimony. Sorry but what a **** for her to try to sue him to pay for the schooling that he enabled her to do because he was paying the bills. She has less of a chance because she committed adultery. Tell him to tell her to piss off, ask her to whore around to get the student loans billed paid.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

Try here maybe they can answer your question,

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

If she cheated she should be the one worried it%26#039;s called adultery. tell him just to be a jerk he should ask for alimony. He will probably get it too.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

she is the one with the school bills... hopefully she will have to pay them. he should beable to tell his side of the story.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

depending on the state and how alimony works were i live it doesn%26#039;t us ally go threw unless you have been married seven or more years

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

She may lose in court if he can prove that she committed adultery and not be entitled to no benefits being she has no children for him.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

Its a crap-shoot... Depends on if she has dirty laundry to air and he wants to keep it private. He could give her what she wants to keep her mum.. I know its your brother but everyone has another side. For her to even begin to think she stands a chance at being awarded that, she must have a reason.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

That wife is freakin harsh and a b****. Don%26#039;t worry, she%26#039;ll have no chance.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

You have to look into specific state laws on divorce. Here in California we are a 50/50 state. All assets split right down the middle, a no fault state.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

None tell him to get an attorney that will fight for him. She will not get alimoney unless she can prove abuse. But if she ask for alimoney have him ask for a percentsge of her wages once she has her degree if he has to pay for her education, That will shut her up.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

What a c***! Tell him to get a savage lawyer that won%26#039;t leave scrap on her bones!

And yes, at least no kids were involved in this mess.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

zero chance.

save your money. do a quick divorce, divide the debts and move on.

alimony is for spouses that can%26#039;t earn an income on their own....

If you choose to fight this out, all you will be doing is throwing $200 bucks an hour for each of you to the blood sucking lawyers.... VERY EXPENSIVE. more thing...The judge will not give a damn about any affair. The courts really don%26#039;t care about it. In the eyes of the law. You two decided you just didnt%26#039; get along and decided to end it. Affair will have no bearning on the case.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

Find out about the laws in your state, most cases in which the wife cheats alimony is not awarded, however there are so many legal factors to consider...I suggest your brother get an aggressive lawyer.....

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

She sounds like something else. What an ungrateful b**ch. The problem with the question is it probably depends on the state you are in. I would have him contact a good attorney and see if he can get it working in his favor. Yea, she cheated but I am not sure if it can be used or not. His best bet it to get a good attorney, get out, and move on with his life as soon as possible. I am sorry for his circumstances. I hope it works out for him.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?


Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

Does he have proof of infidelity? %26amp; did he sign any paperwork regarding her school fees/intuition?If he did not ,at the worst he might have to pay half to none. Most likely shes on her own with no kids involved. Good luck to him

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

If he hires a good divorce attorney, her chances are very poor. Alimony is rarely granted any more, and her shcool loans are outside the scope of the divorce court because they are contracts in and of themselves: they will be enforced according to the terms of the loans. Moreover, she is at fault in the divorce. She is not likely to walk away from the marrige with much more than she brought into it.

But he MUST have a first rate divorce attorney!

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

Alimony laws are pretty weak in Texas. I think she%26#039;ll lose in court.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

She can ask all she wants, does not necessarily mean she will be granted everything she asks for or to the degree that she wants things.

There is nothing from stopping her to get a full-time job and being in school was HER choice.

If I were your brother, I would fight this thing tooth and nail.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

It is best not to litigate--mediation is preferable. Mediation is done and agreed to between both the parties and their attorneys. If her loans are in her name, it should remain as is. Her attorney fees will her responsibility. Everything, however is up in the air.

Divorce question: My brother and his wife are splitting after 5 years of marriage?

She wont get alimony. Alimony is reserved for cases in which the one spouse has been economically disadvantaged by the marriage, which doesnt apply since she has finished school. thats the good news.

The bad news is that Texas is a community property state. All assets gained by the couple after marriage are to be split equally. Unfortunately, so are all debts. If she took out the student loans during the time they were married, he will have to pay half of them.

If she took the loans out before the marriage, he is off the hook.

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