Pay off some debt, like school loans and morgage?
Put it in savings, vacion, rainy day fund, retirement?
Put it into a child%26#039;s school savings?
Invest in a new vehicle, if theirs is 10 years old?
Invest in stocks?
What would you do with it?
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
Put the money where it can give you the most value at this particular point in your lives.
Consider this order: Emergency fund (3-6 months of living expenses), high interest rate loans, retirement.
Mortgage is a long term debt, if it is comfortable for you at this time, leave it. Car? - does it run? Have you had trouble with it? Do you do the regular maintenance on it? If it works, and has no sign of giving up, then continue using the car - should you need to upgrade, consider recently used.
Children%26#039;s college fund? Make sure your retirement is good first, then look after the children. It makes no sense to make sure their college education is great, and then have no where to go come retirement.
Investing in stocks - this is probably where your retirement money will be going. Stock investing is a 10year activity.
What would I do with it? I would use it on whatever is the most important thing to me at the time I had the money. Emergency fund, high interest debt, retirement, family, entertainment, work.
Good luck
I am available - you can contact me directly via my website
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
Pay off the highest interest loans first. Only save if you can get a higher rate of return than what you are paying off in interest.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
$2000 towards a savings bond for the kid%26#039;s education fund.
$1000 towards a rainy day savings account.
$5000 in blue chip stocks or even buy some Netflix stock.
$2000 towards home improvement.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
pay down debt and work on a budget to start saving money so that you can do the rest of the things you want to do.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
Pay off your debt first, starting with the highest interest ones. That would probably be your credit cards.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
Pay off debt first, then do whatever you want.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
Try the 10x10x80 rule. Give 10% to God, put 10% in savings, then use the other 80% for personal needs. In this case, paying off high interest debt.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
Try to open your own business-
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
Don%26#039;t pay off the school loans or mortgage! The interest on them is like %26quot;free money%26quot;, as it is tax deductible. If you don%26#039;t have any %26quot;rainy day fund%26quot;, you%26#039;d be wise to put a few thousand back for that, because you never know what can come up over the horizon. Think long term.....what will yield you the maximum pay out in the years to come. I personally would pay down any credit card debt first, then figure out what to do with the rest. The new car, though, should be an absolute last purchase, as it%26#039;s a luxury.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
If you have $10,000, you should pay any credit cards you have. Don%26#039;t put it in your house or your school loans because those are good debts (school loans have very low rates anyways). Don%26#039;t buy a car, you%26#039;re not gonna be able to find a decent car for this size anyway. It%26#039;s better if you use your car now until it dies. I would put it in a CD. It is recommended that people have at least 3 months salary saved up for emergencies or if you lose your job.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
if the only debt is school loans and morgage then I would skip that one.
2000 savings would be good, for emergency use only
school for the kids is important. I would put some into their savings
invest in a vechile, yes, yes, yes.
I would, pay off debt to my mom, 3500
I would put 2000 to save
I would figure out a new car, I still owe 3000 on my current
7 yr old, but the trans is slipping.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
Like everyone else off as much of your high-interest credit card debt first. If you don%26#039;t have a %26quot;rainy day fund%26quot; equal to at least three months living expenses (house payment/car payment/groceries/utilities) (six months is better) contribute the rest of the $10,000 there.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
Just follow this diagram:
1) Is your Interest Rate higher than 9.60%? If Yes Go to 4) If No Continue
2) Invest in stocks with the help of a Financial Advisor, Portfolio Manager or with my help.
3) End
4) Pay the debt with the highest interest rate.
5) Do you still have money left? If Yes Go to 1) If No Go to 3
Millions of children want to go to school and you need to pay back your loan to send another children to school and reduce the number of criminals on the streets by one.
Vacations are nice. But I rather die with a home for my children than to give $10,000.00 to Holiday Inn and other companies and die homeless.
%26quot;Invest in a new vehicle%26quot;
The only way to invest in a new vehicle is if you sell it, rent it, lease it, drive it as a cab or something similar.
If you are a FAMILY and you use your car to TRANSPORT from A to B you are not investing in a vehicle you are SPENDING IN A NEW VEHICLE.
This means the $10,000 are now gone forever and you will never get back that money even if you sell the car.
If a couple has $10,000, should they...?
Pay of debt, hands down.
It will save you money in the long run, and the feeling of being debt-free is awesome.
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