I%26#039;m a new graduate, and have started my dream job earning $44,000 a year, a lot from where i come from but not so much in NYC. I%26#039;m having problems budgeting and figuring out how much i can honestly afford to pay in rent here. I only think i can handle $800 or $900 a month, but all my coworkers pay about $1,100 -1,200 for studios and one bedrooms. With all other housing bills, what is the amount of rent I should be able to pay AND not starve and still have somewhat of a life? HELP
I don%26#039;t have school loans to pay and only $4000 in credit card expenses. I CANNOT HAVE A ROOMATE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!!
How much can i afford to pay in rent?
your rental expense should only be 50% of what you make a month! Anything above that is risky! 40% is even better! Trust me I know from experience. Don%26#039;t worry about what others pay for their places, you don%26#039;t know how much they make or how they budget other things in life. Really you have to base it on yourself! How much do you spend on leisure because really that will never change, be honest with yourself! How much will you spend on groceries, are you good at conserving energy, how much do you spend on gas, and how much will water and trash and things of that sort cost you! These are all serious things to consider and will help you figure out how much you really have left for rental expenses!
How much can i afford to pay in rent?
How much can i afford to pay in rent?
I think anything up to $1,500 is good. You%26#039;d still have 2 grand and change per month.
How much can i afford to pay in rent?
My rent income to rent in Phoenix is 2 1/2 times the rent. So 569 times 2.5 = 1422. I make 1733 / mo. So $20,796 year divided by 569 = 36. Appying this factor of 36 to you.
$44,000 divided by 36 = $1222 / month for rent you should be paying. Providing your income requirement at the property you desire to live is 2.5 times the rent. You easily make that at $3666 / mo. Watch your dollars!
How much can i afford to pay in rent?
To give you an idea of what i pay. My net income is about 48,000 per year. (I say net because i dont pay taxes until the end of the year) So actually my montly income is 4k. I pay 875 per month in rent and have all the luxuries like high speed cable modem, cell phone, 300 channels on my TV and all that, and every month i am able to save 1000 dollars without fail. I also have a car payment that i pay 400 per month on, but i have no Credit card debt. I pay 350 to 500 per month for food (but thats two people, but we are really small) Im sure you can afford to pay 1200 per month, but i am like you. I would rather not pay it if i didnt have to. But with 44k you should be good.
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