I started having heavy breathing and just exhausted on Tuesday and its the same day I should have started my period. My bf called his mom whos a RN and told her my symptoms and she said if i had any chest pains I said no. I just had heavy breathing like when you eat a big meal and just wanna lay there and just full. Today I go take a preg test. waiting til results which will be avail. on Thurs. I try to lay down but i just cant seem to sleep. My chest hurts, heavy breathing and stressed about not having my period yet. I will know if i have insurance by tomorrow. I looked online to see what causes chest pains and I see anxiety attacks or panic attacks....is this what I am having? I am stressing too over work, I can%26#039;t seem to find a job and just am overwhelmed with bills needing to be paid my school loans etc. IF I am having anxiety attacks or panic attacks,,,is there is med or what can i do to calm myself down....its so much for me to handle. :(
25 yrs old livin w/ bf and son .
Anxiety? chest pains whats wrong with me?
I had severe anxiety/chest pains years ago. I saw lots of doctors and counselors. None of it really helped, although taking librium helped temporarily. I do not recommend meds long- term. You can get dependent on them.
Many other things did work though. The following all helped to some extent and combining many of them together really helped me regain my health and sanity. Meditation, exercise, healthy vegan diet, hot baths, massage, yoga, adequate sleep, funny movies, and long walks.
The anxiety is a result of living an unhealthy, stressful lifestyle. It does not mean you are crazy. It is a temporary condition which can be reversed if you learn to live a healthy lifestyle.
Best wishes to you.
Anxiety? chest pains whats wrong with me?
It sounds kinda like you%26#039;re having panic attacks.
You might want to talk to a doctor or therapist. It would be worth your time.
Anxiety? chest pains whats wrong with me?
Yes! Anxiety can manifest itself in various ways. The fact that your under so much stress could have triggered these symptoms. You need to see a doctor (hopefully your insurance kicks in tomorrow) and tell him how your feeling. There are a lot of medications that he can prescribe to treat this.
Keep in mind that a lot of times when one is having anxiety they can also start having symptoms of depression. I suggest talking to your doctor asap.
Best of luck to you.
Anxiety? chest pains whats wrong with me?
it could be anxiety.
i had the samething that ur having rite now(im 22). i went to the er(*tho i was havin a heart attack-)but what they told m is what im telling u now...we still 2young (but im not syain it couldnt b from the heart or anything). but anxiety/stress/depression cause those symptoms, and it can hurt pretty bad suttimes, my doc gave me some depression.anxiety pills to take( i dont kno the name but to tell u the truth-they never worked-so i stoped) i was bad for about 3weeks id say.but then it went away by itself.
now my advice- just take it easy. if u be stressed out about what ur having now it can only make it worse bcuz ur worryin...i kno its not easy. but try to relax and whenever the pain comes thing posstive and that it will go away will not b there, try not to get 2stressed out about ur job.or any other problems. and whenever uhave those pains try layin down and just relax. but id also recomend u to go c ur doc(physician) just to have a 2opnion and c what he will give u to take.maybe the meds will work on u. best of luck.
Anxiety? chest pains whats wrong with me?
Sounds like stress to me. You seem to be worried if you are pregnant on top of everything
else. Sit down and calm down. If you can%26#039;t find a job then consider going through bankruptcy. Call all of your creditors and work something out with them. That should reduce some of the stress.
Then consider some counseling to help with your stress. Good luck.
Anxiety? chest pains whats wrong with me?
Find an urgent care center in your area that can do xrays and ekg%26#039;s. (Or an emergency room as a last resort = $$$) There is a good chance it could be stress, or even ( weird as sounds) gas. It could be chest wall pain caused by a pulled muscle in the chest, or a lung infection. But you DON%26#039;T want to mess around with chest pains, especially since it is combined with trouble breathing. While heart trouble at your age is not common, it does happen.
Go to an urgent care center or emergency room immediately. A regular doctor will most likely only refer you to one of those two options. They often refuse to see patients with chest pains, insisting instead on your going to the emergency room.
If it is anxiety or panic attacks, seek out counseling with a cognitive behavioral therapist. That form of therapy can be extremely useful, and offer quite rapid results compared to other forms of treatment.
Anxiety? chest pains whats wrong with me?
Practise some yoga excercies.
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