Salary average $90 grand with overtime. Base salary $65 grand. Hourly rate $32.91.
Car pmt. 196.00 monthly ($10,000)
Truck pmt. is 494.28 monthly ($32,000 )
Visa card is 322.00 monthly ( $21,000 )
Home Mortgage is 1486.00 monthly This includes property taxes and home insurance payments ( home won%26#039;t sell )
Cable/internet/phone 133.00 monthly
Natural gas bill 120.00 monthly in the winter but down to 30 in most other months
Electric bill 50.00 monthly except in the summer months when a/c in use will then be 120.00 or so
Cell phone 120-200 monthly depending on minutes used.
Auto insurance 130.00 monthly
Water/sewage/trash 50.00 dollars a month but is a little more in the summer do to watering the lawn.
Kid braces 170.00 per month for a think another 4 months.
Kid school loans 670.00 per month ($80,000)
Food 150.00 per month
gas 50.00
Church 50.00
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
cut costs and live within your means
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
hang urself! thanks for all ur personal infor and the 2 points!
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
wow my bills are way more then that And My elec is 400.00 and food is 400.00 and morg. 1000 and car is 439.00 and so many more and we barley make money. so go see a debt consolidator. They can help U.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
Check out - I%26#039;ve been with them for over a year now and I really like them. They work with you to figure out how much you can afford to pay against your debt each month based on your income and regular expenses.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
Sell your cars and buy cheap used cars with cash left over. You eliminate those payments right there....
I just tallied up your bills multiplied by 12 (for the year) and it came out to $51264. How often are you eating out? Start eating at home. Pay cash for everything. Stop using your cards. Ditch the cable and get a better cell phone plan (I have 2 cell phones, unlimited usage for $80/month for BOTH of them).
Take extra hours or an extra job to get your debts paid down quickly. You%26#039;re pissing away a lot of money in interest payments.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
Don%26#039;t even think about %26quot;consolidating%26quot;, it%26#039;s just a paint job and you end up paying more over time.
No interest rates on the loans are shown but that would be the first thing, shop for lower rates on everything.
Shop for lower insurance. Most people don%26#039;t but you can almost always save a few bucks by shopping every year.
Cell phone looks way too high. Either shop for a better plan or just cut back on the Yack%26#039;in.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
CHAPTER 13 ..clown right out fo the shower...I was wondering were my nose was..
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
get rid of these:
Church 50.00
Kid school loans 670.00 per month ($80,000)
Truck pmt. is 494.28 monthly ($32,000 )
Car pmt. 196.00 monthly ($10,000)
Cable/internet/phone 133.00 monthly
Cell phone 120-200 monthly depending on minutes used.
sell your truck for a good portion of the 32k, bout 27k
or your car to pay off its loan and use the truck.
i%26#039;d use a car b/c of milage, depends on car.
or instead of getting rid of the student loans (dropping it on them)
have them pay 45% of that
help them get a job and build character
you dont need tv
you can watch it online
get a cricket phone
if you get them in your area
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
Get rid of the truck and the car and buy a used Cavalier for 2-3 thousand. Cancel your auto insurance and only get liability. Stop buying things on credit. Unless you are a computer science major, cancel the internet and check e-mail at work instead. Open a window, don%26#039;t use the A/C. Cancel the cell phone. Stop going to church. Don%26#039;t water your lawn. I have several acres of land and grass will grow just fine without being watered.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
Get rid of the truck, and get something more affordable. And why in the world is your CAR insurance so high? You need to get a new quote on that, mine is less than $600 for a YEAR!!
See if your homeowner insurer offers auto--you can usually get a big discount if the insure both.
Get a loan from a bank to pay off the Visa bill--the % will be FAR lower than the card charges you. Then, cut it up %26amp; don%26#039;t use it!
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
You%26#039;re not gonna like this, but...
Cable T.V. and movie channels has to go...and you must curtail your phone usage...
Stop using the credit card...and contributions will have to wait for a while...
The kids will have to contribute their income, too...and you%26#039;ll have to stop buying new shoes and clothes for a while...clean out you entire house of everything that you%26#039;re not using and will never need again, and have a garage sale...and you might have to downgrade the quality of your cars and trucks by selling them and getting cheaper vehicles with lower monthly payments...there%26#039;s probably a lot of things you own that you %26quot;want%26quot; to keep under the pretense that one day you%26#039;ll need it, but...let those things go by selling them...
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
Why are you paying your kids school loans? And why so much money in school loans. That is nuts%26gt; Start immediately cutting your expenses.
Cable- too high
Sell the truck or trade it in for something cheaper
refinance your mortgage and why wont your house sell??
cancel the cable and internet
You really must budget and train your kid to budget. Start saving for your retirement or you will be homeless in a few years.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
I wish my parents would pay my school loans.
Put the burden on your kids if you can%26#039;t handle the debt load.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
-You can try to refinance your home and consolidate your credit cards/loans. (unless you don%26#039;t have any equity left)
-You could eliminate a home phone and just use the cell (a lot of people do that these days).
-Go for the basic cable package instead of the upgraded one.
-You could apply for a lower interest credit card than the one you have and transfer your balance to lower your interest.
-You could try to lower your car insurance by switching to Geico (I%26#039;m not joking either, they saved me over $500 a year!)
-You could clip coupons for groceries (Walmart accepts ALL coupons, it saves me at least $20-25 per visit!)
-You could limit showering times, only have 1 day/wk. for laundry, handwash dishes instead of using dishwasher (all saving hot water and lowering elec./gas)
-Trade in the truck...too high of a payment! (NEVER lease or buy new anymore - it%26#039;s a LOSING situation everytime!)
-Do you honestly HAVE to give $50 to church???
-Your biggest issues are your mortgage, school loans, credit card and truck payment. If you could refinance, it would help you.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
I know people won%26#039;t like my answer, but if you are a Christian, tithing is the most important thing you can do each month, should be 10% of your check, and should be at the top of your list. I have always paid my tithes before bills, and somehow, everything always gets paid. A bonus at work, a refund from something you paid 10 years ago, etc. You always make it by somehow because God will be faithful to you if you are to him.
I would sell the most expensive car and get a clunker if necessary. Stop using the credit card, get a cheaper cell phone plan, and you should be ok. I did the math on a monthly basis, and you should get everything in just don%26#039;t have a whole lot of extra spending money.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
I commend you for keeping the Food cost so low. For 3, mine is a $1000 a month. Other than that, these look like normal expenses. For two cars, the car insurance rate you have is excellent.
For your situation, you%26#039;re getting screwed on two main expenses. The Kids School loan and the Truck payment. Combined, it%26#039;s killing you. I%26#039;m sure you don%26#039;t need me to tell you that.
I%26#039;m looking at one very odd cost. And that is your gas is only $50/month. With that low of a cost, it looks like you may not really need two cars. Only you know for sure. But, you might be much better off using public transportation instead of the 2nd vehicle. If so, look for a way to get rid of the truck. If selling it is too difficult (I know, the market sucks).... take both the car and truck to the dealer and trade the two for one. I%26#039;ve done this, and it%26#039;s very easy. You might also try a lease, to get that %26quot;nice%26quot; vehicle for a fraction of the cost. Again - I%26#039;m using your low GAS bill as a basis for this decision - low miles makes for a good lease person.
One other thing you can do is roll that Visa bill into a home equity line. That%26#039;ll stretch the payments over 20 years though, so in the end, it%26#039;ll cost you a little more. Only a little though, because the interest is something you can use as write off on your taxes just like the home mortgage.
There - I%26#039;ve saved you about $6,000 a year .
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
mate i would say. all ur debts put under ur home mortgage. then pay single repayment per month. home mortgage interest rate is useully half the other loan rate.
combine ur car and home insurence together. ask for discount. cell phone try to get a capped plan.
well its hard ..... to deal with debth. but belive me everyone has somesort of debth these days. so relax and chill out.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
If possible shop in bulk, it is sometimes cheaper. I am not a parent, but the book Miserly Moms by Jonni McCoy helped me a lot. Instead of having the family buying you and your spouse gifts; have them only buy for the kids - this is what my family does. There are programs that go by income for energy payment plans, and food pantries based on income. You sometimes can talk down credit card percentages with the credit card companies. I shop a lot at second hand stores.
I am 36 years old and I still get hand me downs from my relatives. The handmedowns come in the form of furniture, clothes, drapes/curtains, towels, pots and pans, etc.
When the spring comes if you have the garden space, try going a garden of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and perennials. They will help cut down on the bills some. If there is room for rain barrels, you can catch the rain from the down sprouts and use to water the lawn and garden this can help cut down on the water bill.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
ditch the cell phones, though you probably are under some contract their will be a penalty fee as a result.
ditch the internet, get dial up if you must.
use more blankets and bundle up and lower your t stat for you heater to run it less
sell one vehicle and buy something basic, what ever fetches higher money.
stop charging at all, cut up your visa card.. that is going to hurt the most since is the biggest charge with the highest apr.
4171.28 in bills per month ( based on 150 month cell bill )
i figure 5000.00 a month gross based on your base salary
after taxes i am sure it%26#039;s less.
you are going to have to get a second job
or the kids will have to help out, as why
are you paying for their education?
as i see it unless you increase income via ebay or garage sales or 2nd job, i do not see how you are going to get under your mess.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
Take your vehicles and trade them in on cheaper ones until you can afford more. Make sure you come out of the dealer with money in your pocket (LOTS OF MONEY). The truck should trade for about 28k or better if you can. Car payment is reasonable but if you can trade down and come out ahead you should. Secondly, cancel or down grade your cable. Go to dial up internet and if you have cell phone coverage at your house then cancel your home phone. As for your cell phone you will have to either go to a plan and company where you get so many minutes for one set price and make sure you don%26#039;t go over. I have two phones with 600 minutes and pay $62 monthly. As for the gas and electric bills try turning your heat down to 68 degrees in the winter and turn it up to 72 in the summer and don%26#039;t forget to change your filters. This will make a huge difference in your bills. Try requoting your auto ins with other companies or with an independent agent and see what happens. Go with a higher deductible or with liability and comprehensive only (on vehicles you trade for). As for water bill, stop watering the yard, take shorter showers and see what happens.
As for your credit card and mortgage you are going to have to go drastic here. First, STOP using the credit card. Second, if you have any equity in your home refinance and use the extra money to pay off the credit card. Then put the credit card in your safe and don%26#039;t get it out. Interest rates are extremely low and it is time to refinance but you must get rid of some of your other debt. As for the school loans get them refinanced throught the government and then let them pay them off or have them put on deferment if they are still in school.
If you add up everything you end up with $3890 a month you are paying just to keep afloat. You must do drastic things in order to get yourself out of this pit you have gotten yourself in. There are plenty more things but this is a huge start and plenty to do for now. Start tomorrow with the vehicles and auto insurance. Call the place where the kids loans are and talk to them and see if you can make other arrangements.
Good luck and God bless.
HELP me PLEASE !!!!What are ways to consolidate or budget this debt?
Well I would suggest that you try to get out of your highest interest payments first. I%26#039;m sure from my own knowledge that that would probably be your Visa, I would put all extra money towards that and put all your refund towards that as well and get that paid down as soon as you possible can and then lock it in your safe so that it isn%26#039;t so readily available to use. Most people get credit cards for emergencies and end up using them for friviolous things.
My next suggestion would be if you have cell phones do you really need a home phone, and do you really need cable tv, trust me I thought my kids needed it until I took it away and it brought our family so much closer and my kids found other things to do. That would save you a bit of money.
Your cell phone, are you on the right plan if your going over your min? Look at all the plans that your provider offers and change to the next highest min plan, it will save you all the extra overages when you do go over your min and probably won%26#039;t cost you as much as when you do go over your min.
Your auto insurance, do you shop for the best rates or do you go with the same person each year? Make sure that you shop your rates with different companies, you may have to go with a different company, all insurance companies have to provide you with what you pay for which is full coverage and if you have AAA due to the other discounts, you can get AAA without having insurance with them. FYI, my husband and I own a 03 Jeep, 05 Dodge 3500, and a 06 Durango, we own 2 of them outright, but have full coverage on all 3 and we only pay $100. a month for all 3 vehicles and my husband had an accident last year in the truck. So shop around and also look into adding your home insurance to your policy, that will give you huge savings and you know what you are paying for instead of including it in your mortgage.
Kid school loans are your kids in private school or in college, if private school look into putting them in private school, I have a special ed and an over achiever in public school and they do great. Public school is not going to cause your kids to be terrible students, or troubled kids, or drug using teens, no matter what school you send them to they will do what they want to and private school is not going to change that. If they are in college maybe work something out with them to help you with their debt. Not a lot but maybe just a little bit would help.
If you changed just the things that I have mentioned to you, you would save so much money on a monthly and yearly basis and you would not feel so overwhelmed by all of your bills. So many people live beyond their means and don%26#039;t realize until they are over their head. At that point it may be too late but there are always ways to cut your costs down, it is just hard to do when you start it but thats what you got yourself into and now you need to save your savings and your sanity. Good luck
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